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Welcome to Ms. Maraboli's Class

2022 School Year

Home: Welcome

Updates and Reminders


  • Remember that TN has a new reading law.  Let's start working hard NOW so that our firsties have a love for reading and strive in third grade!

  • Check Dojo periodically for reminders and updates.

  • Check your student's binders each Monday for our new newsletter (including spelling words, dates, etc).

  • Students coming to class after 7:50 are counted tardy.


Home: Class Overview

Vision Statement

TCS Vision for Literacy

Tipton County students will become critical readers, writers, and thinkers who are self-directed in their learning.


Tipton County teachers will facilitate student-directed learning and develop strong readers by effectively implementing a high quality literacy curriculum that aligns to the science of reading:

  1. Explicit instruction of phonics and foundational skills in K-2​

  2. High quality texts that systematically build background knowledge.

  3. A deep focus on textual evidence and the comprehension of texts' key ideas and details

Home: Syllabus

Meet the Teacher

Ms. Maraboli

Welcome to the new school year!  I will be your child's first grade teacher!  I got married in July 2020 to my high school sweet heart and will at some point be changing my last name to Maraboli Dismukes.  

I graduated from the University of Memphis, and this will be my sixth year teaching.  I strive to help my students grow both academically and as individuals. I help foster confidence and good rapport while also teaching accountability.  I am excited to have your kiddos in my class this year.  Let's have the best year ever!

School Bus
Home: Tests & Assignments
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Home: Image

Classroom Rules and Expectations

We want our students to be Tremendous, Respectful, and Courteous Kids (TRACK) always!

  1. Be Tremendous: always try your best, be prepared, be kind, and be honest.

  2. Be Respectful: raise your hand, treat supplies and materials carefully, follow the rules and expectations no matter where you are.  Use your manners when talking to others. Respect others and their belongings.

  3. Be Courteous: be kind to others and treat them how you would want to be treated.

  4. Last, but not least, believe in yourself!

Carrying Pencil
Home: Courses

Rewards and Consequences

In my classroom, my first resort is always positivity.  However, I also believe in the importance of accountability.  In my class, there are rewards and consequences.

Angel Face


Students can earn rewards for good behavior.  We have a class scoreboard that can earn the whole class a reward, or individual students may earn their own rewards when they fill up their class punch card.



Class scoreboard points can be earned when I see fantastic behavior across the whole group or the majority of the whole group.


Every student will have a punch card. Once their card is full of hole punches, they can pick out a coupon from the coupon box.  They will then receive a new punch card.


Students will receive consequences if needed.  Consequences come after warnings unless the behavior is something that requires an immediate consequence. Students may receive one or more of the following consequences: lose a conduct grade, walk recess, or receive calls home. Negative behavior may also result in not receiving a class reward, or not being able to participate in the TRACK party.
Please note that these consequences are not listed in any particular order, as some behaviors may require one thing over the other.  Please also note that some behaviors may result in the involvement of admin or the guidance counselor.

Confound Face

Checking Your Child's Conduct

I will record your child's conduct daily on their agenda sheet.  Each day will have what their conduct is as of that day.  On Friday's slot, I will record their resulting conduct for the week. If you sign your child's agenda sheet on FRIDAYS acknowledging that you have seen their week's conduct, then your child can earn a punch on their punch card if they show me your signature on the following MONDAY.  

Home: Class Policies
A for Apple

Grading Scale

A: 100-90

B: 89-80

C: 79-70

D: 69-60

F: Below 60

Home: About

Contact Me

I am the easiest to contact via email or through text.  Please make sure that you join our Class Dojo so that we can easily message one another. Please understand that I may not see messages after 7:00 p.m.  However, if I do, then I will respond as quickly as possible.


Class Dojo join codes were sent home with your student on the first day of school.  Please contact me if you need your code again.


Home: Contact
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